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Speedometer calibrating systemHome > Speedometer calibrating system

BZ-2 Type speed meter calibration system

BZ-2 Type speed meter  calibration system



Radar speed meter is a kind of device being used to measure the speed of moving targets which adopts the Doppler principle. The main application is in the field of the traffic management on the road, and measure the radial speed of running vehicles.


The BZ-2 Type speed meter calibration system is suitable for measurement and verification to all kinds of hand held speed meter and vehicular speed meter, these devices can work on X, K, OR Ka band, despite they are the new manufactured, in the producing period, in the using period or repaired after. It is special for the popular narrow beam speed meter and the speed meter which can identify the targets moving direction.


This calibration system fully satisfies the regulation requirement of < JJG 528-2004 People’s republic of China metrological and verification regulation  Motor vehicle radar speed meter> and。Our company is the main drafting unit of these regulations in our nation.


2Main specifications


21 Electricity

Detection frequency range:                10 Hz - 40 GHz

Doppler frequency range:                  10Hz - 1MHz

Simulation speed range:                   1600 km/h

Max error of speed:                       ≤±0.1 km/h

Frequency stability:                       3×10-5

1h frequency fluctuation:                  S≤1×10-4


22 Environment

Temperature:5 - 50 ℃

Humidity45 - 85 %


3The main metrological standard devices and supporting facility


31 Metrological standard device  

Millimeter wave frequency counter                              1 set


32 Supporting facilities

Laptop                                                         1set

The test channel box                                           1set

Receiving horn antenna           X band, K band, Ka band  1set each

Gating modulator                 X band, K band, Ka band  1set each

Signal adaptor                                                 1set


